My Publication

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When you reached this site, you might want to see the articles that I have published. I have written on ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET, WPF, WCF etc.  I like to read, and also fond of writing on good topics, which I found interesting. I hope you all will like my articles just the same as you do for my blog entries.

I have posted articles mainly in 2 Sites.

You can also try out my WPF learning Series if you wish:
WPF Learning Series

I hope you will like articles that I have posted. Please comment on me so that I could make these more helpful for you guys.

Thank you.
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Author's new book

Abhishek authored one of the best selling book of .NET. It covers ASP.NET, WPF, Windows 8, Threading, Memory Management, Internals, Visual Studio, HTML5, JQuery and many more...
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