C# 6.0: Language features and its internals Part 2

As discussed in my last article on C# 6.0 features we have discussed some of the interesting features like : Auto property initialization, Expression bodied functions, Static class uses and string interpolation method. In this post, we will take the discussion ahead with more language features introduced with the new language.

The features will be covered with basic introduction to internals are :

5. Null Conditional operators
6. Exception filters
7. nameof operator
8. Dictionary initializers
9. await in try / finally.
10. Parameterless constructor for struct

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C# 6.0: Language features and its internals Part 1

C# have been one of the most evolving language in recent times. It was not more than a couple of years when some of the coolest features were introduced with C# 5.0 and today we have announced the next version of C#. In this post we will try to look deep into these features and try to see what exactly is coming in the new version. I would go deeper than just demonstrating the feature so that you are well acquainted on what exactly you would be getting from these features.

1. Auto Property Initializer
2. Expression bodied Function
3. Static Class Uses
4. String Interpolation

More in Part 2 of the post.
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